Impact Energy is an internationally operating center of competence for energy efficiency in industry.

In Switzerland 10 billion Swiss Francs are spent annually for the use of electrical power. In industry, more than 70% of electricity are used for electric motor systems. The potential of energy savings is widely recognised. There are various methods to reduce energy consumption and as a result, cut down costs for electrical energy.

Industrial motors are very often way beyond their lifespan. After analysing the motors, their output, use of energy, a decision making could result in fully or partly installing highly efficient motors and/or frequency converters, to minimize the costs of energy. This could within a short time bring a favorable return on investment and reduce costs by 20 to 30%. It is therefore worthwhile to analyse the current systems and their saving potentials.

The team of Impact Energy has developed under the project Topmotors the MOTOR-SYSTEMS-CHECK methodology, as well as various guides and software tools for analysing motors, pumps, fans, compressors, etc. They are based on a long-term experience of testing and evaluation of motor systems and have continually been improved. We have gradually been building up a global network of contacts from government, national and international institutions, industry and academia and are using platforms like the Motor Summit, Workshops, etc. to gather and discuss and like the IEA 4E Electric Motor Systems Annex’ Global Motor Systems Network to inform about latest motor systems efficiency developments around the world.

The project Topmotors (2007) has been supported by the national program Swiss Energy and is focusing on the energy savings potential in industry.

Motor Summit 2020 International
18 & 19 November 2020
Stiftung zum Glockenhaus, Zurich
Programme and subscription: